Latest Dhivehi Songs & Videos  

Posted by The Shoonchy

I have had it up to here with this. Everytime you hear some new song somewhere and you want to listen to it at home, you can never find some dhivehi songs or videos. You search around Google and find some links on someone's site and check them out. Most of them dont work, some are deleted already and some files are uploaded to some unknown useless upload site (most of them are absolute shiite).
I decided to rectify this by adding some songs and videos that I have to Rapidshare (Best upload site for me) and share these recent songs. Most of them are from Trio (Koolest band for me) and some videos from Thi Handhaanugai Remix 2008 and previous editions. I will add more when possible but the uploading from Dhiraagu connection is hopeless. Ask me for anything which you want. I will mostly have recent songs (No Hannan, Baaree or Ali Rameez stuff) and if not I will try to find and upload them.
Here they are. Go crazy.....

Trio - Chaaley
Trio - Chaaley (Video Live @ TVM Music Yard)
Trio - Kalaku Vey
Trio - Keevehey
Trio - Dhonkamana
Trio - Dhonkamana (Video Live @ TVM Music Yard)
Trio - Dheevana Koffa (a.k.a Mee Mihuthuge Shakuva)
Trio - Raarukuga
Trio - Raarukuga (Video Live @ TVM Music Yard)
Trio - Rovuney
Trio - Shakuva

Thi Handhaanugai Remix 2008 ( Plus some previous editions)
All Videos
Dhifla - Roalhin Jehey Vai
Lubaina - Bulbul Ehee Dheynuhey
Ashfa - Shakuva (Cover of Trio Song)
Muneefa - Leykokala Malun Foniboneetho
Muneefa - Hooru Kanbaafulhu
Unoosha - Guraafulhu

Thats all I have now
More Later

New Flickr Photos  

Posted by The Shoonchy

The Platinum Rule  

Posted by The Shoonchy

This new series I'm watching has the coolest guy I have ever seen. Barney Stinson from "How I met Your Mother". He has the most outrageous theories on women and relationships. It's great fun listening him explain and then realize that some of it is actually very true. One of the best he stated is the Platinum Rule. It's like there is this golden rule in the bible saying "Love Thy Neighbour". But there is a rule above it, The Platinum Rule, which states "Never ever ever 'Love' Thy Neighbour", if you know what I mean. It means that you never date or hookup with someone you meet on a regular basis because it will never be as good as you think it will be. For example, one of your friends, your office colleague, a person you often meet in everyday life such as a waitress at your favorite coffee shop or restaurant. The Platinum Rule always works out in a routine 8 step method.

Step 1 - Attraction
When you see someone on a regular basis, you tend to overlook what you first did wen you met them. If at first sight, you didnt like him/her that much, this wouldn't be the case. But after you have initially discarded that idea, and as you meet them more and more often, you start seeing them in a new light. You begin to notice more, tend to forget what turned you off at first, and the more you see them, the better they start looking. But all of your friends will say don't do it, because the platinum rule will happen. They advise you not to pursue it because the consequences will be bad later. It's like "Dont shit where you eat". They say don't make the mistake. So this leads to ...

Step 2 - Bargaining
You don't date people who are already in your circle. Office mates, friends of your closest friends who hang out with you, people you will run into again after it is over. Your friends will tell you not to do it. But, you say that it wont be like that and everything is gonna be fine. Nothing bad will happen. You think that it will be okay but it isn't. You say we are just going out as friends and nothing will happen. You say if it starts being weird or gets serious, you will back off. But then comes ...

Step 3 - Submission
You are doing what you normally do and then suddenly you are alone with her/him. The conversation veers off course and you start talking about things you would have never even thought of before. You see them differently now and all the inhibitions are off. Pretty soon, you are doing what you have never done before and never even thought of doing it with this person. The plot changes completely. Everything is suddenly different. And you start doing more and more with this person. You meet them more, you are spending time with them. And never before seen benefits come out of this relationship. This is ...

Steo 4 - Perks
It's like, if u were friends before, you can hang out even more than before and you are now spending time with your girl/boyfriend together with your friends. You don't have to share the time on two different important people in your life. You can do both together. If it's an office mate, you even get to spend time at the office, all day in fact. You get a ride with them to the office and back. You can lunch together easily. It becomes very convenient. If it's someone who works in your favorite coffeeshop or store, you get free drinks, meals, shop items, discounts and things like that. You think that this is the best ever and couldn't be easier. But then comes ...

Step 5 - The Tipping Point
You all know how even when you are with your girl/boy, you always need that little time alone. When you just want to do something else, and not with them. But think again, coz you are going to see them all the time. Coz you will have to go to the office and you are going to see them there. When you have a fight and you want to be alone, you are going to see them all the time. Even when you go out with friends, they are part of the group and most likely, will land up with you wherever you go. So it gets like they are everywhere and you can't escape them. You feel that you are constantly with them, All....The....Time. There is no escaping

Step 6 - Purgatory
Now you have finally realized that this was a big mistake. And you want to end it. But how will you do that if you see them again and again and again. They are their when you go to office, to coffee, when just hanging out with your friends doing nothing. When you are in your office and just want to have some fun, you get all uncomfortable becoz they are always there and will see you goofing off. When you go for coffee with your friends, they are there and it's all mushy cutie pie stuff and calling you sweet names, and eating off your food, drinking your drink, hugging and holding your hand constantly. You get absolutely sick of them. They are constantly waiting on your beck and call and it's driving you crazy. You decide to finally do

Step 7 - Confrontation
You finally end it all by telling them that it's just not working. You tell them the problems you are facing and that you don't want this anymore. When you say this, it's very hard not to hurt them. You will always end up hurthing them someway. Of course, you are breaking up. Breaking up is never easy. Especially for the one being dumped. So even if you say it's not them and it's you, they will never believe it and will get offended and angry or sad or depressed or needy or clingy or begging you to stay. It might even be all of the above. But you believe it's gonna be okay coz they are your ex now. In any relationship, after breaking up, you always separate ways. Thats what breaking up means. If this were a normal relationship, this would be easy. But wait. You can't do this because you are going to see them again. And it eventually gets so bad that it leads to ...

Step 8 - Fallout
After breaking up, things will get so bad between the two of you. Your office colleague will start resenting you at work, be critical of your work even (even worse if they are above you in office hierarchy) and will get so hard that you cant even work with them anymore. If they are your friend, your coffees with friends will get spoiled, coz maybe he/she doesn't want to if you are going and then some more people join them and eventually the whole group gets divided completely and people start taking sides. Even if you go together, there will be this tension between you two, and some sarcastical comment will eventually come out to the other person's story or joke and things start to become nasty and hateful. If it's someone you see at a frequently visited place, the place starts getting uncomfortable for you, you get shunned of your deserved service, the people at that place have heard about you and don't like what you did to their fellow colleague and you get ignored or rudely replied to. All of this wouldn't have happened if you didnt see them again.

But becoz you ignored the platinum rule and dated someone like this, this is what you get after all. It sucks, but guess what, you deserved it. You shouldn't have done it in the first place.

Simple Plan - Your Love is a Lie  

Posted by The Shoonchy

I fall asleep by the telephone (telephone)
It's two o'clock and I'm waiting up alone
Tell me where have you been? (where have you been?)
I found a note with another name (another name)
You blow a kiss but it just don't feel the same
'Cause I can feel that you're gone (feel that you're gone)

I can't bite my tongue forever
While you try to play it cool
You can hide behind your stories
But don't take me for a fool

You can tell me that there's nobody else (but I feel it)
You can tell me that your home by yourself (but I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know, I know
Your love is just a lie (lie, lie, lie)
It's nothing but a lie (lie, lie, lie)

You look so innocent (innocent)
But the guilt in your voice gives you away
Yeah, you know what I mean... (know what I mean)
How does it feel when you kiss when you know that I trust you?
And do you think about me when he touches you
Could you be more obscene? (more obscene)

So don't try to say you're sorry
Or try to make it right
Don't waste your breath because it's too late
It's too late

You can tell me that there's nobody else (but I feel it)
You can tell me that you're home by yourself (but I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know, I know
Your love is just a lie (lie, lie, lie)
It's nothing but a lie (lie, lie, lie)
You're nothing but a lie

You can tell me that there's nobody else (but I feel it)
You can tell me that you're home by yourself (but I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know, I know

Your love is just a lie
I know
You're nothing but a lie (lie, lie, lie)
You're nothing but a lie (lie, lie, lie)
Your love is just a lie (lie)

The Dark Knight - Quotes  

Posted by The Shoonchy

The best movie of the whole year and probably the best I have ever seen. So many amazing things. The Graphics, the Action, the Hero, the Villain. Never have I seen such a comprehensive collection of all of these together.
The quotes from this movie are so memorable.

The Joker: You know, I'll settle for his loved ones.
Gentleman at Party: We're not intimidated by thugs!
The Joker: [as he smacks his lips] You know, you remind me of my father.
[pulls out his switchblade and brings it to the Gentleman's mouth]
The Joker: I hated my father!
Rachel Dawes: [off screen] Okay, stop!
[turns to face Rachel, tosses the Gentleman to his thugs and approaches Rachel, adjusting his hair with the knife]
The Joker: Well, hello, beautiful. You must be Harvey's squeeze, hmm? And you *are* beautiful.
[hovers around the incredibly nervous Rachel]
The Joker: You look nervous. Is it the scars? You want to know how I got 'em?
[grabs Rachel's head and positions the knife by her mouth]
The Joker: Come here. Hey! Look at me. So I had a wife, beautiful, like you, who tells me I worry too much. Who tells me I ought to smile more. Who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks... look at me! One day, they carve her face. And we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just want to see her smile again, hmm? I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars. So... I stick a razor in my mouth and do this...
[mimics slicing his mouth open with his tongue]
The Joker: myself. And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves. Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling!
[Rachel knees the Joker in the groin; he meerly laughs it off]
The Joker: A little fight in you. I like that.
Batman: Then you're going to love me.
[stumbles out of wrecked truck]
The Joker: [to Batman] Come on, I want you do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!*
The Joker: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We are tonight's entertainment!
The Joker: It's a funny world we live in. Speaking of funny, do you know how I got these scars?
Batman: No! But I know how you got these!
Batman: What did you do?
The Joker: I took Gotham's white knight, and brought him down to our level. It wasn't hard. Y'see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little...push.
Bruce Wayne: That man in Burma, did you ever catch him?
Alfred Pennyworth: Oh yes.
Bruce Wayne: How?
Alfred Pennyworth: We burned the forest down.
[last lines]
Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight.
The Joker: The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!
The Joker: See, I'm not a monster...I'm just ahead of the curve.
The Joker: See, I'm a man of simple tastes. I like dynamite...and gunpowder...and gasoline! Do you know what all of these things have in common? They're cheap!
[repeated line]
The Joker: Wanna know how I got these scars?
The Joker: I want...I want my phone call. I want my phone call.
Detective Stephens: That's nice.
The Joker: How many of your friends have I killed?
Detective Stephens: I'm a twenty year man. I can tell the difference between punks who need a little lesson in manners... and the freaks like you who would just enjoy it.
Detective Stephens: And you've killed six of my friends.
The Joker: [faking interest, mouths "six"]
The Joker: [holding a knife inside Gambol's mouth] Wanna know how I got these scars? My father was....a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. Turns to me and he says "Why so serious?" Comes at me with the knife,"Why so serious?" He sticks the blade in my mouth. "Let’s put a smile on that face!" And..... Why so serious?
The Joker: People will die. Starting tonight. I'm a man of my word.
The Joker: You see, nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic. Because it's all part of the plan. But tell people that one tiny little mayor is going to die and everyone loses their minds!
The Joker: [speaking to Two-Face] Do I really look like a man with a plan, Harvey? I don't have a plan. The mob has plans, the cops have plans. You know what I am, Harvey? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans. Yours, theirs, everyone's. Maroni has plans. Gordon has plans. Schemers trying to control their worlds. I am not a schemer. I show schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. So when I say that what happened to you and your girlfriend wasn't personal, you know I'm telling the truth.
[hands Two-Face a gun]
The Joker: It's a schemer who put you where you are. You were a schemer. You had plans. Look where it got you. I just did what I do best-I took your plan and turned it on itself. Look what I have done to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple bullets. Nobody panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plans are horrifying. If I tell the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. But when I say one little old mayor will die, everyone loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I am an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? It's fair.
[with the gun in Two-Face's hand, he places the gun to his forehead; Two-Face pauses and takes out his coin]
Two-Face: [showing the unscarred side] You live.
The Joker: Mm-hm.
Two-Face: [flipping, showing the scarred side] You die.
The Joker: Now we're talking!
The Joker: If you're good at something, never do it for free.
Lt. James Gordon: We'll have to hunt you.
Batman: You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, you'll set the dogs on me. But that's what has to happen.
[the Batpod charges]
The Joker: Ooohhh. You want to play. Come on!
Alfred Pennyworth: Know your limits, Master Wayne.
Bruce Wayne: Batman has no limits.
Alfred Pennyworth: But you do, sir.
Bruce Wayne: Well, can't afford to know them.
The Joker: You have nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength.
The Joker: You just couldn't let me go could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorruptible aren't you? You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness, and I won't kill you, because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.
Batman: You'll be in a padded cell forever.
The Joker: Maybe we can share one. Then we'll be doubling up the rate this city's inhabitants are losing their minds.
Harvey Dent: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Alfred Pennyworth: When I was in Burma, a long time ago, my friends and I were working for the local Government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders, bribing them with precious stones. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. We were asked to take care of the problem, so we started looking for the stones. But after six months, we couldn't find anyone who had traded with him. One day I found a child playing with a ruby as big as a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing the stones away.
Bruce Wayne: Then why steal them?
Alfred Pennyworth: Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Gambol: [to The Joker] Give me one reason why I shouldn't have my boy here rip your head off.
The Joker: How about a magic trick?
[pulls out a pencil and sticks it upright into the table]
The Joker: I'm gonna make this pencil... disappear.
[Gambol's thug walks over to kill The Joker, who pushes his face into the pencil and kills him]
The Joker: Ta-daa! It's... gone!
Batman: Why do you want to kill me?
The Joker: [laughs] Kill you? I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, you... you complete me.
[Gambol makes a threat; Joker opens his coat to reveal setup of grenades on a string, which he starts to tug.]
The Joker: Now, let's not *blow* things out of proportion here...You know what? You let me know when you start taking things a bit more seriously.
[takes out Joker card and sets it on the table]
The Joker: Here's my *card*.
The Joker: [Batman slams The Joker’s head on a table] Never start with the head, the victim gets all fuzzy.

I love the magic trick as its is the best scene of the movie especially as he walks into the room laughing like crazy. Also, the way he puts his head out of the car while driving. The Joker stole the show in every way. Heath Ledger, it was your greatest performance ever.I was even rooting for him. He makes being bad look like fun.
So one last time, let's hear it.

Metaphorically Speaking  

Posted by The Shoonchy

I am about to speak metaphorically. Just some thoughts exchanged when me and a friend were high enough to speak only in metaphors.

A guy is near a bridge. A long, large bridge. He needs to get a message delivered to him by horseback. When he gets the message only can he proceed further. When he gets a positive response from the message delivered, it can either only be positive or negative. There is no in-between.
If he gets a positive response, he can turn back from the bridge and when he turns around, there are many paths now possible. He can see all the different routes he can go. All of these routes point to a same location. They all have sign boards pointing to the direction he can take so he can go to the location. This location is a house. He can go to this house from any number of paths he now sees.
If he gets a negative response, he has to cross the bridge. But the bridge is long. So very long. And as he soon as he sets foot upon the bridge, it turns into night. Every thing is dark. He doesn't even see a light at the other end. So he can't cross the bridge just yet. He has to wait. He doesn't know how long he has to wait. But he has to wait. At the other end of the bridge, there might be things he is looking for or there might not. He doesn't know this. He has to wait until it gets light and night turns to day.

That's one of them. See what you think of what happens here.
So onto the next one.

A girl is standing in front of a guy. She is naked. He can see her. She can see that he sees her. She is covering her breasts while standing there. He can see this too. She is covering herself. But she is naked. She is standing there like that on her own will. But she is covering herself. She is closing off herself. But she is naked. By her own choice.

So what is happening here ?
I will write some more as I think of them. Maybe some more late nights, and I will come up with some new ones.

Beyonce - Irreplaceable Thug Remix Version  

Posted by The Shoonchy

This guy is hilarious. He is singing Beyonce's song like a thug rapper. lol. Watch the face he makes when the it says "Mmm"

And if he is such a thug, why is he memorizing Beyonce Songs.

Even More TV Shows, Even More Mirrors  

Posted by The Shoonchy

Hi Guys n Gals,
I have added even more TV shows and even more mirrors for you to download. Newly added shows are Lost Season 4 and One Tree Hill Season 5. Plus, I have got even more mirrors from another forum called ProjectW.
This means those people who replied that Warez-bb registration was closed can now download from these 2 mirror forums. These are all my personal uploads and I would appreciate it if you would check them out and have any feedback. For those who don't have user accounts there, PM me and I might give you mine for you to download. Although I might warn that those who don't have RapidShare premium accounts might find this a tiny bit hard to download.
Shout if you need any help with these.

"Horny Guy has left the Building"

English Premier League and Football  

Posted by The Shoonchy

Watched the Man United - Tottenham game and was dissapointed Tottenham couldn't last. I wanted them to get the 3 points they deserved. But Man U can never be counted out and it showed yet again. Jermaine Jenas looked superb alongside Huddlestone in midfield for them. While Woodgate wasn't bad. I'm consistently frustrated with Fergie's decision to use Nani. In my opinion, he has been the worst hyped up star for United. Even Henrik Larrson was much better in a short tem loan deal. Nani consistently tries to emulate Ronaldo and fails. And I noticed he takes shots far too quickly and wastes a good chance. He can dribble (altho other times he gives the ball away) and has pace but that's about it. Can't cross like any of the others. And he has a short fuse. I would think Park or even Fletcher would be much more useful than him. One of my friends asked who would be the better transfer between him and Anderson and my answer then has been proven now. Anderson has been a superb addition and his passing range is eye-catching. His good form led to Fergie giving him more starting opportunities. All in all, my favourite has been Tevez. Superb player, Pacy, Skilled, Dribbler, Supporting Striker, Hard working even (Like Rooney).

I suppose you wouldn't even believe me now if I said I don't support Man U. Really, I don't. I support Real Madrid (Real 4 Life - Even after Figo, Zidane, Ronaldo went). But I really like to analyse all the football matches. Who knows ? One day I might be John Dykes or Shebby Singh (God Forbid).

Meanwhile, Real lost their 1st match in a long time. Became really sad. I thought they were gonna carry a winning streak to the League Title. Anyways, no way Barcelona can grab us anymore. We will have the league for Lunch and then look for a late dinner with the Champions League.

Alternate TV Show Download Links  

Posted by The Shoonchy

For those people who don't have Warez-bb account, I have created alternate links on another forum called
As far as I Know, registration is still open so u cud register and get all your downloads.
I have edited the earlier post and u will find both links there.
So Holla back if u got any problems

Timbaland feat. D.O.E and Keri Hilson - The Way I Are  

Posted by The Shoonchy

Timbaland the Tim Man
Great Song
He is a great producer, ain't he?

Miklos Feher - Rest in Peace  

Posted by The Shoonchy

Miklós Fehér, born on the 20 of July 1979, was a striker in the Hungarian football team. He started playing at Győri ETO FC before moving to SL Benfica. On the 25 of January in 2004 at the age of 24, he suffered a fatal heart attack whilst playing a match against Vitória S.C.. After receiving a yellow card, he bent forward as if in pain before collapsing backwards. Team mates rushed immediately in attempt to revive him before medical personnel arrived on the pitch. CPR was performed whilst players looked on in shock, as well as the match official who looked visibly shaken whilst tragically still holding in his hand the yellow card he had used to book Fehér with only moments earlier. An ambulance was brought onto the pitch and Fehér was rushed to hospital where he later died from arrhythmia.

Emotional scenes as Benfica players just lost it including the famous Portuguese Winger (Captain of Benfica) Simao Sabrosa. The players desperately trying to do something to just will him to get back up but it wasn't to be. We all will pass away and Miki Feher would have loved nothing more to go away on his favourite football pitch. The last thing he did before he died was smile at the Referee for booking him with a Yellow Card. Rest in Peace Miki.

This Friday the 25th January 2008, it will be 4 years from the tragic moment. Even after all this time, you damn near cry everytime you see this.

My Favorite Maumoon Video  

Posted by The Shoonchy

Aharen Aharen Aharen

TV Shows  

Posted by The Shoonchy

All you guys who watch TV Shows, I got most of the famous series uploaded on Any of you who need any episodes just check out my uploads at Warez-bb forums. I have got all the links for the current season in every series. You might need a Rapidshare account to download all of them together. Also the links I have given are in a forum so you might need a user account for it (free). If you ain't already in this forum, you should be anyway coz you get all the series and movies and applications you will ever need.


Heroes Season 2 (Complete)
Heroes Season 2 (Complete) Alternate Links from
Heroes Season 2 (Complete) Alternate Links from ProjectW

Prison Break

Prison Break Season 3 (Complete upto now)
Prison Break Season 3 (Complete upto now) Alternate Links from
Prison Break Season 3 (Complete upto now) Alternate Links from ProjectW

Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy Season 4 (Complete upto now)
Grey's Anatomy Season 4 (Complete upto now) Alternate Links from ForumW
Grey's Anatomy Season 4 (Complete upto now) Alternate Links from ProjectW


Dexter Season 2 (Complete)
Dexter Season 2 (Complete) Alternate Links from ForumW
Dexter Season 2 (Complete) Alternate Links from ProjectW

Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives Season 4 (Complete upto now)
Desperate Housewives Season 4 (Complete upto now) Alternate Links from ForumW
Desperate Housewives Season 4 (Complete upto now) Alternate Links from ProjectW

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl Season 1 (Complete)
Gossip Girl Season 1 (Complete) Alternate Links from ForumW
Gossip Girl Season 1 (Complete) Alternate Links from ProjectW

One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill Season 5 (Upto Now)
One Tree Hill Season 5 (Upto Now) Alternate Links from ForumW
One Tree Hill Season 5 (Upto Now) Alternate Links from ProjectW


Lost Season 4 (Upto Now)
Lost Season 4 (Upto Now) Alternate Links from ForumW
Lost Season 4 (Upto Now) Alternate Links from ProjectW

There you go, any info if you need, just holla. I'll help you out anyway you like.
Thanks for Downloading and Enjoy


Posted by The Shoonchy

How many of us have this curse/blessing?

Studying abroad does this to many people. We go abroad to study and the most important thing we first get along with food and water is an Internet Connection. Thus starts the late night internet binges. Better than the fridge, coz it ain't fattening. There are so many things to do while awake. Watching YouTube videos, just looking at Facebook wanting something to happen, reading news and sports, checking e-mails when you know you want have anything important, checking prices of stuff you know you can't afford but hope to one day .....

This list will never end and after this, there is downloading TV Shows and Movies so you can watch them after getting bored of Internet. Another reason to stay up late. And if you have a fast internet connection, after downloading and watching all your current shows, you start looking around for something new and better to watch while staying awake all night. It just wont stop. Me, after watching all Heroes, Prison Break, Desperate Housewives and Dexter, I have now started watching House MD. I just kept looking for the show with the best ratings on and have now watched 3 seasons. Time which could have been done studying but we all know we won't study till the last minute. It's in the nature of us Maldivians.

All this doing nothing takes me upto 6-7 am in the morning and I have college at 9. So off to college or rather "There won't be anything important today in college, I'll just get some well earned sleep. Tomorrow I'll sleep earlier". This tomorrow will never come and the days just keep passing me by. Pretty soon there will be exams and then I'll have to cram like crazy everynite just to keep passing.

I've even thought of taking some sleeping pills just to get a night's sleep but thankfully not popping pills just yet. A little Benadryl now and then helps though some friends told me to go for Actified. Must try this sometime.

So any more ideas how to get some sleep. I'm tired of sleeping at 9 am and waking up around 6pm. Something must be done. Hopefully, I'll get an answer after I finish watching House coz I'm really liking the show and it's getting interesting.