
Posted by The Shoonchy

How many of us have this curse/blessing?

Studying abroad does this to many people. We go abroad to study and the most important thing we first get along with food and water is an Internet Connection. Thus starts the late night internet binges. Better than the fridge, coz it ain't fattening. There are so many things to do while awake. Watching YouTube videos, just looking at Facebook wanting something to happen, reading news and sports, checking e-mails when you know you want have anything important, checking prices of stuff you know you can't afford but hope to one day .....

This list will never end and after this, there is downloading TV Shows and Movies so you can watch them after getting bored of Internet. Another reason to stay up late. And if you have a fast internet connection, after downloading and watching all your current shows, you start looking around for something new and better to watch while staying awake all night. It just wont stop. Me, after watching all Heroes, Prison Break, Desperate Housewives and Dexter, I have now started watching House MD. I just kept looking for the show with the best ratings on and have now watched 3 seasons. Time which could have been done studying but we all know we won't study till the last minute. It's in the nature of us Maldivians.

All this doing nothing takes me upto 6-7 am in the morning and I have college at 9. So off to college or rather "There won't be anything important today in college, I'll just get some well earned sleep. Tomorrow I'll sleep earlier". This tomorrow will never come and the days just keep passing me by. Pretty soon there will be exams and then I'll have to cram like crazy everynite just to keep passing.

I've even thought of taking some sleeping pills just to get a night's sleep but thankfully not popping pills just yet. A little Benadryl now and then helps though some friends told me to go for Actified. Must try this sometime.

So any more ideas how to get some sleep. I'm tired of sleeping at 9 am and waking up around 6pm. Something must be done. Hopefully, I'll get an answer after I finish watching House coz I'm really liking the show and it's getting interesting.

This entry was posted on Friday, January 11, 2008 and is filed under , , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


yo so u began this addiction ya? kewl dude keep it up mashah nuvi kameh meee....

well i live my days the insomniac days come and go lucky for me hehe i guess its ur lifestyle tht affects it now its sleeping days for me i sleep for like 15hrs straight even but in my insomniac days i stay awake without a single wink for weeks

nice post hope u dont go popping pills i do and it sucks :/

i also can sleep for 15 hrs but its the wrong time to sleep for 15 hrs.
Like from 9 in the morning to 8-9 pm.

But I haven't yet gone without sleeping yet

btw, thanx for the comments