Metaphorically Speaking  

Posted by The Shoonchy

I am about to speak metaphorically. Just some thoughts exchanged when me and a friend were high enough to speak only in metaphors.

A guy is near a bridge. A long, large bridge. He needs to get a message delivered to him by horseback. When he gets the message only can he proceed further. When he gets a positive response from the message delivered, it can either only be positive or negative. There is no in-between.
If he gets a positive response, he can turn back from the bridge and when he turns around, there are many paths now possible. He can see all the different routes he can go. All of these routes point to a same location. They all have sign boards pointing to the direction he can take so he can go to the location. This location is a house. He can go to this house from any number of paths he now sees.
If he gets a negative response, he has to cross the bridge. But the bridge is long. So very long. And as he soon as he sets foot upon the bridge, it turns into night. Every thing is dark. He doesn't even see a light at the other end. So he can't cross the bridge just yet. He has to wait. He doesn't know how long he has to wait. But he has to wait. At the other end of the bridge, there might be things he is looking for or there might not. He doesn't know this. He has to wait until it gets light and night turns to day.

That's one of them. See what you think of what happens here.
So onto the next one.

A girl is standing in front of a guy. She is naked. He can see her. She can see that he sees her. She is covering her breasts while standing there. He can see this too. She is covering herself. But she is naked. She is standing there like that on her own will. But she is covering herself. She is closing off herself. But she is naked. By her own choice.

So what is happening here ?
I will write some more as I think of them. Maybe some more late nights, and I will come up with some new ones.

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